Irish Cream Panna Cotta

{Please scroll down to English version}

Znate onaj trenutak kada pripremite neku slasticu ili neko jelo, nesebično ga podijelite s drugima, no nestrpljivo očekujete njihovo mišljenje?
Nema veće radosti nego vidjeti njihov zadovoljni izraz lica i kada čujete samo "Mmm..."

Stalo mi je do mišljenja ljudi i volim dijeliti s njima ukusnu hranu, a najviše volim kada im se svidi i cijene što pripremim.

Možete misliti koliko sam sretna bila kada se nekome svidjelo što sam pripremila,a da nije ni probao? Pitate se kako je to moguće?
Naime, jedan sam dan dobila poruku na FB profilu bloga što me silno obradovalo.
Volim odgovoriti na vaša pitanja ili dobiti povratnu informaciju.
Spomenuta poruka bila je na slovenskom što mi je na prvu bilo malo neobično. Poruku sam više-manje shvatila, no nisam bila sigurna pa mi je prijateljica Tihana bila Joker zovi. :D
Uslijedilo je dopisivanje koje se ispostavilo kao jedna zanimljiva ponuda i suradnja.

Moja Čokolada došli su do mog bloga preko preporuke i odlučili su poslati mi slatki paket kvalitetnih slastičarskih sastojaka. Sadržaj paketa ste već mogli vidjeti ukoliko me pratite na Instagramu.

Ovi divni sastojci igrati će glavne uloge u mojim postovima u bliskoj budućnosti.
Prvi od tih divnih sastojaka je Whittard kava Irish cream.
Britanska marka poznata je po vrhunskim kavama, vrućim čokoladama te čajevima, a također uključuje i prvorazrednu kavu s okusom irskog likera. 
Idealna je za one kojima treba ujutro dodatni poticaj u obliku mirisa i okusa čokolade i likera. 
Način pripreme je raznolik - filter kava, turska ili francuska kafeterija poznatija i pod nazivom ˝french press˝. 

Vrhunska kava zaslužuje i vrhunski tretman. Osim što uživamo u šalici odlične kave, željeli smo tu notu čokolade i likera iskoristiti i u desertu.

Panna cottu nisam nikada ni okusila niti pravila. Do jučer. 
Nestala je brzo i ostavilo je dojam na nas jer ovo je desert s karakterom.

Talijanski klasik koji u doslovnom prijevodu znači 'kuhano vrhnje' divan je kremasti desert.
Raspon je širok: od divne vanilije, preko voćnih pa sve do čokoladnih.
Jedna im je stvar zajednička, panna cotta se treba topiti u ustima i ne biti 'želatinasta'.
Dosta pričanja, bacimo se na ovaj divni recept koji me je osvojio na prvi zalogaj...

Irish cream panna cotta

prilagođeno od Gordona Ramseya

Panna cotta
3 lista želatine
400 ml slatkog vrhnja (min. 30% m.m.)
75 ml punomasnog mlijeka
100 g svijetlog muscovado šećera
50 ml Whittard kave Irish cream

Listove želatine namočite u posudicu hladne vode 5-10 minuta.
Dvije i pol žlice Whittard kave Irish cream skuhajte u 50 ml vode na način na koji inače pripremate.
Brat je nedavno kupio french press i u njemu je pripremio kavu.

U posudu sa debljim dnom ulite slatko vrhnje, mlijeko, prethodno skuhanu kavu i šećer. Na srednje jakoj vatri dovedite do točke vrenja te odmah sklonite sa štednjaka.
Listove želatine izvadite iz vode i ocijedite rukama te dodajte u vruću smjesu. Miješajte dok se želatina skroz ne rastopi te ostavite da se kratko ohladi.

Smjesu procijedite i ulijte u vrč kako bi lakše punili kalupe.
Dobiti ćete 700 ml smjese.
Koristila sam silikonske kalupe za muffine kapaciteta 80 ml. Vi možete koristiti kalupe koje imate.
Pripremite keramičke ili silikonske posudice te ih isperite hladnom vodom i ocijedite višak vode. Nemojte ih posušiti, jer će voda pomoći kod vađenja iz kalupa.

Ulijte panna cottu u pripremljene kalupe i ostavite preko noći da se stisne.

Prije serviranja prođite pažljivo nožem uz rub te uronite kalupe u kupiću vodu na pet sekundi. Pazite da voda ne uđe u posudu sa panna cottom.
Stavite tanjur na posudicu sa panna cottom i okrenite.
Ako je potrebno lagano potresite kalup.
Brittle s lješnjacima
50 g blanširanih lješnjaka
200 g šećera
1 žličica cimeta

Zagrijte pećnicu na 180° C. Lješnjake stavite na pleh s papirom za pečenje. Pecite ih 10 minuta ili dok ne dobiju zlatnu boju.
Ako nemate blanširane lješnjake, izvadite ih iz pećnice i stavite u čistu kuhinjsku krpu i gnječite prstima, kako bi se kožica skinula s njih.
Na drugi pleh stavite papir za pečenje.
U posudu s debljim dnom stavite šećer te zagrijavajte na srednje jakoj vatri.
Posudu rotirajte kako bi se šećer ravnomjerno otopio. Kada se šećer istopi i poprimi zlatnu boju, dodajte lješnjake i cimet.
Vrtite posudu kako bi se lješnjak obložio sa svih strana te izlijte na pripremljeni pleh.
Ostavite brittle dok se potpuno ne stvrdne.

Izlomite brittle te servirajte uz panna cottu.
Šaljite mi svoje fotografije na ili na Instagramu označite sa #cutieandpie.

Dobar tek,

{You're at the English version}

You know that moment when you prepare a meal or something sweet, you selflessly share it with everyone, but you can't wait to hear their opinion on it?
There's no greater joy than seeing their happy faces and hearing only "Mmm..."

I care about other people's opinions and I like to share tasty food with them, but what I like most of all is when they like and appreciate what I prepare for them.

You can imagine my joy when someone likes what I prepare, and without them even trying it! You wonder how that's possible?
One day I received a message on my Facebook profile which made me very happy. I like replying to your questions or when you send me feedback.
The aforementioned message was in Slovenian, which was a bit peculiar at first. I understood more or less what it said, but I wasn't completely sure so my friend Tihana was the ace up my sleeve. :D

We started corresponding and it turned out to be an interesting offer and collaboration.

Chocolate World reached my blog through a recommendation and decided to sent me a sweet package of high quality bakery goods. You could have already seen the content of the package in case you follow me on Instagram.

These wonderful ingredients will play the main roles in my upcoming posts. First of those wonderful products is  Whittard Irish Cream Coffee.

The British brand is famous for its top coffee blends, hot chocolates, teas, and it also includes first-class coffee with the taste of Irish liqueur.
It's ideal for those who need an extra boost in the morning in the shape of smell and taste of chocolate and liqueur.
 You can prepare it in various ways – filtered coffee, Turkish or the French style, known better as "French press".

Top coffee deserves top treatment. Except for enjoying a cup of excellent coffee, we also wanted to incorporate that chocolate and liqueur note in a dessert.

I never tried nor made panna cotta. Until yesterday. It disappeared quickly and it left an impression on us because this is a dessert with character.

The Italian classic, which when literally translated meet 'cooked cream', is a wonderful creamy dessert.
The usage is wide: from the wonderful vanilla, to fruity and chocolate options. One thing in in common for all variables: panna cotta should melt in your mouth, it shouldn't be like gelatine.

Enough talk, let's get down to this wonderful recipe which won my heart from the first bite...

Irish cream panna cotta

adapted from Gordon Ramsey

Panna cotta
3 sheets of leaf gelatine
400 ml of double cream (min. 30% fat)
75 ml of whole milk
100 g of light Muscovado sugar

Soak the gelatine sheets in cold water for 5 – 10 minutes.
Prepare two and a half spoons of Whittard Irish Cream Coffee in 50 ml of water, the way you usually prepare coffee. My brother recently bought a "French press" and made coffee with it.

Pour double cream, whole milk and the previously done coffee and sugar into a heavy-based pan. Bring it to a simmer on medium heat and immediately take it off the stove.
Take out the gelatine sheets from the water, drain them with your hands and add them to the hot cream.
Mix until the gelatine completely melts, and leave it shortly to cool.

Sieve the cream and pour it into a jug so you could fill the moulds easier.
You will get around 700 ml of the mixture.

I used silicon moulds for muffins, each of which hold 80 ml. You can use any other moulds you have.
Prepare ceramic or silicon moulds and splash them with cold water. Drain the water, but don't dry the bowls because water will help you get the cream out of the moulds.

Pour the panna cotta into the moulds you prepared and leave it overnight to set.

Before serving, trace the edges slightly with a knife and dip the moulds into boiling hot water for five seconds. Be careful so that the water doesn't spill over into the moulds.
Put a plate onto the moulds with panna cotta and flip it over.

If necessary, lightly shake the mould.
Hazelnut Brittle
50 g blanched hazelnuts
200 g sugar

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Put the hazelnuts onto a baking paper covered baking tray. Bake them for 10 minutes or until they become golden brown.
If you don't have blanched hazelnuts, take them out of the oven, put them into a clean kitchen rag and press them with your fingers in order for the skin to come off. 

But baking paper onto another baking tray.
In a heavy-based pan put sugar and heat it up on medium heat.
Rotate the pan so the sugar would melt evenly. Once the sugar melts and becomes golden, add the hazelnuts and the cinnamon.
Rotate the pan so the hazelnuts get coated on all sides, and pour it out onto the prepared baking tray.
Leave the brittle until it cools completely.

Crack the brittle up and serve with panna cotta.

Send me your photos at 
or use the hashtag #cutieandpie on Instagram,

4 komentara

  1. Ovo je predobro, bravisimo ;)

    1. Draga Suzo, moj vjerni čitatelji i komentatoru,
      hvala ti. :* <3
      Poslala bi ti jednu divan kremasti desert, no nestali su čim smo ih uslikali.
      Edit posta: napraviti duplu mjeru! :D

  2. Odgovori
    1. Petra, jesi probala panna cottu s kavom?
      Moram priznati i ja sam postala veliki fan na prvi okus. ;)
