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Almond Cake with Strawberries & Blue Cheese

Serves: 2

This elegant dessert is easy to prepare and combines to create both notes of sweet & savory.


1 Dessert Tray Italian Almond Cake, 4-inch
1 wedge Rogue Creamery Caveman blue cheese or any blue cheese of choice
1 pint (2 cups) fresh strawberries
1 T sugar
2 T fresh-squeezed lemon or orange juice


  • Wash & hull strawberries, then slice thinly. Set aside 6-8 berries, chop and mash these with a fork to create a strawberry purée.
  • Place sliced berries & purée in a large glass bowl, then stir in sugar and juices.
  • Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes, in order to let strawberries release their natural juices.
  • Serve atop the Dessert Tray Italian Almond Cake & garnish with crumbled Rogue Creamery blue cheese.